Therapeutic massage is a wonderful way to provide self care for you and your baby during this time in your life. Bonnie has been certified in Pregnancy Massage since 2003 and has worked with literally thousands of pregnant women by now. Shayna was certified in pregnancy massage since early 2023.
Massage or Knot offers a custom made massage table which allows you to lay face down during your treatment. The table has cut outs for the breasts and belly, with support for the belly so that you will be completely supported and comfortable throughout your massage.
Benefits of prenatal massage can include:
*improved sleep
*relief of cramping in calves
*reduced sciatic pain in hips
*reduction of anxiety and stress
*relief of muscle aches and joint pains
*reduction of swelling in hands and feet
*emotional support
*improved circulation
*reduced muscle tension and headaches
*improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles
Massage is safe for most women during pregnancy.
But women who have recently experienced spotting/bleeding, pre-term contractions, or have any of the following issues should get approval from your health care provider before scheduling a massage:
*high risk pregnancy
*pregnancy via in vitro fertilization (IVF)
*pregnancy induced high blood pressure
*experiencing severe swelling